Leave Entitlement


  • Standard leave entitlement is 14 days, with an additional day added each year if the employee has completed a full year of service from January 1st.

  • Leave entitlement caps at 21 days.

  • Managers are allocated a standard of 21 days leave.

  • Leave cannot be carried forward, but employees are allowed to convert up to 3 days of unused leave to off days for the following year.

  • In general, staff should use their 'off' days before taking leave, as off days cannot be carried forward.

MCs (Medical Certificates):

  • Staff who are unwell should inform their managers by 10 PM the day before their absence.

  • In emergencies, staff should inform their managers as soon as possible.

  • Medical certificates (MCs) must always accompany any sick leave.

  • Any absence without prior approval for leave, off, or MC is considered AWOL (Absent Without Leave) and is a serious matter, potentially leading to immediate termination, as outlined by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM).

Last updated